Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Class level: III

Subject: MATH  

Topic: Meaning Of Subtraction.

 How did I create the material?

This time to teach content based material I have chosen MEANING OF SUBTRACTION topic from class III mathematics.  To make the learning more effective and understandable I have used the elements of power point presentation with voice narration to integrate ICT learning in the content. I have used different shapes and images to teach the lesson and then provided activity for the students to check their understanding on the particular topic.

Relevancy of the topic to the class level

The topic that I have chosen is relevant to class level as it’s the time where students learn about basic and easy methods to solve the complicated in the future. Moreover students face lots of difficulties when they deal with day to day life. So, to make clear understand on the content I have provided few questions related to the topic. Besides, to make use of the content learned in the daily life and able to use in proper ways.

Activity and the instruction

The activity is designed based on to check the understanding of the students mainly on the topic 'MEANING OF SUBTRACTION' after teacher’s explanation. Teacher will teach the meaning of subtraction with the pictures and numbers to make them remember easily. For further understanding about the topic, teacher will let them do the following activity.

Activity name: Question answering


1) The activity will be done individually.

2)    You will take out your notebook.

3)  Then go to page 28 in the text book.

4)    Read the questions carefully.

5) Read the examples and then complete question 1 and 2.

6)  For this activity, you will be provided with 5 minutes will be given.



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https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AZzZ4bOw5pONBmEI2O55ycmC4ILEjjds/view?usp=sharing Class level : III Subjec t: MATH   Topic : Meaning Of S...